Eric Simmons (he/him) | MediaTracks Music
Eric Simmons

Eric Simmons

Eric Simmons

Eric Simmons


Eric Simmons (he/him)

The drive that MediaTracks has is infectious, and I'm exciting to work with such an inspiring company.

Eric Simmons (he/him) is an American musician and composer whose work is driven by his desire to evoke emotions and create immersive soundscapes that resonate with listeners. From a young age, Eric knew that he wanted to pursue a career in music, fuelled by his eclectic taste and passion for exploration.

Discovering production music provided him with the perfect avenue to delve into various moods and styles, allowing for creative freedom and expression.

Outside of his musical endeavours, Eric believes in living a fulfilling life beyond work, as it directly influences his creative output. Engaging in hobbies like reading, cooking, and immersing himself in nature provides him with new ideas and experiences that enrich his work.

Dream commission:

Eric would love to score a film series because he is excited by the idea of shaping a grand narrative that extends beyond any individual work, and being able to reimagine themes and motifs in new contexts.


Orchestral samples

